TRTC_TranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout property Null safety

int TRTC_TranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout

Preset layout mode, where the layout of each channel of image is arranged in advance through placeholders. In this mode, you still need to set the mixUsers parameter, but you can set userId as a placeholder. Placeholder values include:

  • "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$": image of remote user. Multiple images can be set.
  • "$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$": local camera image. Only one image can be set.
  • "$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_SUB$": local screen sharing image. Only one image can be set. However, you don't need to listen on the onUserVideoAvailable() and onUserAudioAvailable() callbacks in TRTCCloudDelegate to make real-time adjustments. Instead, you only need to call setMixTranscodingConfig() once after successful room entry. Then, the SDK will automatically populate the placeholders you set with real userId values.


static final int TRTC_TranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout = 3;