getHistoryMessageListWithoutFormat method Null safety
Get the high-level interface of historical messages (no processing of native return data)
Parameter option: Message pulling option, which can be set to pull older or newer messages from local storage or the cloud
Note: If option is set to pull messages from the cloud, and the IM SDK detects that the network connection is unavailable, the IM SDK directly returns local data. Only meeting groups (Meeting) support pulling historical messages of members before they join the groups. For audio-video groups (AVChatRoom), messages are not saved to the roaming and local databases, and therefore this API does not take effect.
Note: web does not support this interface
Future<LinkedHashMap<dynamic, dynamic>> getHistoryMessageListWithoutFormat({
HistoryMsgGetTypeEnum getType =
String? userID,
String? groupID,
int lastMsgSeq = -1,
required int count,
String? lastMsgID,
}) async {
return ImFlutterPlatform.instance.getHistoryMessageListWithoutFormat(
count: count,
getType: EnumUtils.convertHistoryMsgGetTypeEnum(getType),
userID: userID,
groupID: groupID,
lastMsgSeq: lastMsgSeq,
lastMsgID: lastMsgID);