sendTextAtMessage method Null safety

  1. @Deprecated('sendTextAtMessage has been deprecated since 3.6.0, we separate the creation of the message from the sending of the message, please use createTextAtMessage to create the message first, and then call sendMessage to send the message')
Future<V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMessage>> sendTextAtMessage(
  1. {required String text,
  2. required List<String> atUserList,
  3. required String receiver,
  4. required String groupID,
  5. MessagePriorityEnum priority = MessagePriorityEnum.V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
  6. bool onlineUserOnly = false,
  7. bool isExcludedFromUnreadCount = false,
  8. OfflinePushInfo? offlinePushInfo}
@Deprecated('sendTextAtMessage has been deprecated since 3.6.0, we separate the creation of the message from the sending of the message, please use createTextAtMessage to create the message first, and then call sendMessage to send the message')

Create a text message with the @ notification feature

Notification messages are only applicable to messages sent in the group.

Parameter: atUserList The user list that needs @, if you need @ALL, please pass in the AT_ALL_TAG constant string. For example, suppose the text message wants to @remind two users denny and lucy, and also wants to @ everyone, atUserList passes "denny","lucy",AT_ALL_TAG array Note:

Notes on using atUserList
By default, it supports a maximum of @30 users. If the limit is exceeded, the message will fail to send. The total number of 
atUserList cannot exceed the default maximum, including @ALL. 


 'sendTextAtMessage has been deprecated since 3.6.0, we separate the creation and sending of messages, please use createTextAtMessage to create a message, and then call sendMessage to send a message')
Future<V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMessage> ;> sendTextAtMessage({
 required String text,
 required List<String> atUserList,
 required String receiver,
 required String groupID,
 MessagePriorityEnum priority = MessagePriorityEnum.V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
 bool onlineUserOnly = false,
 n bool isExcludedFromUnreadCount = false,
 OfflinePushInfo? offlinePushInfo,
}) async {
 return await ImFlutterPlatform.instance.sendTextAtMessage(
 text: text,
 receiver: receiver,
 groupID: groupID,
 atUserList: atUserList,
 priority: EnumUtils.convertMessagePriorityEnum(priority),
 onlineUserOnly: onlineUserOnly,
 isExcludedFromUnreadCount: isExcludedFromUnreadCount,
 offlinePushInfo: offlinePushInfo?.toJson(),