setC2CReceiveMessageOpt method Null safety

Future<V2TimCallback> setC2CReceiveMessageOpt(
  1. {required List<String> userIDList,
  2. required ReceiveMsgOptEnum opt}

Get the user message receiving option

Note Note: userIDList allows a maximum of 30 users to be set at a time. The calling frequency of this interface is limited to 1 time per second. If the frequency limit is exceeded, an error will be reported. Parameters

opt	Three types of message receiving options: 0, V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_RECEIVE_MESSAGE: normally receive messages online, offline push notifications from manufacturers will be available 1, V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_NOT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE: will not receive messages 2, V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_RECEIVE_NOT_NOTIFY_MESSAGE: online normally Receive messages, there will be no push notifications offline

Note: web does not support this interface


Future<V2TimCallback> setC2CReceiveMessageOpt({
  required List<String> userIDList,
  required ReceiveMsgOptEnum opt,
}) async {
  return await ImFlutterPlatform.instance.setC2CReceiveMessageOpt(
      userIDList: userIDList, opt: EnumUtils.convertReceiveMsgOptEnum(opt));