revokeMessage method Null safety

Future<V2TimCallback> revokeMessage(
  1. {required String msgID,
  2. Object? webMessageInstatnce}

Recall a message


The default time limit for recalling messages is 2 minutes. Messages that exceed 2 minutes cannot be recalled. You can also customize the time limit for recalling messages in the console (function configuration -> Login and Messages -> Message recall settings). 
Only supports single chat and ordinary messages sent in groups, cannot revoke messages that onlineUserOnly is true, that is, only online users can receive messages, and cannot revoke messages in live broadcast groups (AVChatRoom). 
If the sender withdraws the message, the party that has received the message will receive the V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener -> onRecvMessageRevoked callback. 

WebMessageInstatnce is mandatory when the web terminal is disabled


Future<V2TimCallback> revokeMessage(
    {required String msgID, Object? webMessageInstatnce}) async {
  return ImFlutterPlatform.instance
      .revokeMessage(msgID: msgID, webMessageInstatnce: webMessageInstatnce);