

Add Friend.

There are two different processes, according to the verification mode of the target user.

First: Do not need verification when accepting adding friends.

Setting a friend relationship listener with setFriendListener, on the device of both user A and B.

User B can set the verification type to do not need verify when be added as a friend, by setting the allowType in setSelfInfo to V2TIM_FRIEND_ALLOW_ANY.

User A adding B as a friend by invoking the addFriend method, following by the two processes:

If the addType is V2TIM_FRIEND_TYPE_BOTH, means two-way friend, both User A and User B will receive the callback of onFriendListAdded.

If the addType is V2TIM_FRIEND_TYPE_SINGLE, means one-way friend, only User A will receive the callback of onFriendListAdded.

Second: Verification is needed when adding a friend.

Setting a friend relationship listener with setFriendListener, on the device of both user A and B.

ser B can set the verification type to do need verify when be added as a friend, by setting the allowType in setSelfInfo to V2TIM_FRIEND_NEED_CONFIRM.

User A add User B as a friend, by invoking addFriend, while receiving the resultCode of 30539, means needs to wait the verification from the User B, while the callback of onFriendApplicationListAdded will be invoked on both User A and User B.

User B can choose whether to accept the friend application from User A, after receiving this callback.

Choose Accept: User B calls acceptFriendApplication to accept the friend application.

If addType is V2TIM_FRIEND_ACCEPT_AGREE, User A will added User B as a friend successfully, but User A still not be a friend as User B, while User A will receive the callback of onFriendListAdded and onFriendApplicationListDeleted.

If addType is V2TIM_FRIEND_ACCEPT_AGREE_AND_ADD, both User A and User B will be added as a friend of each other, and they will receive the callback of onFriendListAdded.

Choose Refuse: User B calls refuseFriendApplication to refuse the friend application, both User A and User B will receive the callback of onFriendApplicationListDeleted.

Parameter details

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
userID string yes The ID of the user to be accepted as a friend.
remark string no Give a remark to the user.
friendGroup string no Allocate the user to a group.
addWording string no Attached information of accepting.
addSource string no Add the description of the adding source.
addType FriendType yes The type of accepting and adding, two-way friend as default.

Returned template


    code : number
    desc : string
    data : {
        resultCode : number
        resultInfo : string
        userID : string

Return value details

name type description
code number Request result: Error codes. 0 means success.
desc string The description of the error. It will be empty if success.
data V2TimFriendOperationResult The result of the operation.

Code example

import { TencentImSDKPlugin, FriendType } from 'react-native-tim-js';

const addFriendRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
if (addFriendRes.code === 0) {;;;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""