Module overview

Module name Module introduction
ErrorCallback The callback of the request failure.
OnApplicationProcessed The group entry application has been approved by the group administrators or owner, only the applicant can received.
OnBlackListAdd The callback of add new users to block list event.
OnBlackListDeleted The callback after removing users from block list event.
OnConversationChanged The callback of changes to some conversations event.
OnConversationGroupCreated The callback of conversation group create finished.
OnConversationGroupDeleted The callback of conversation group deleted.
OnConversationGroupNameChanged The callback on the conversation group name changed event.
OnConversationsAddedToGroup The callback of new conversations added to the a conversation group event.
OnConversationsDeletedFromGroup The callback of some conversations been removed from the group event.
OnFriendApplicationListAdded The callback of the amount increased of the friend application list event.
OnFriendApplicationListDeleted The callback of the amount decreased of the friend application list event.
OnFriendApplicationListRead The callback of the friend application list been read by current user event.
OnFriendInfoChanged The callback of the friend profile and information changes event.
OnFriendListAdded The callback of new user been added to contact list event.
OnFriendListDeleted The callback of user been removed from the contact list event.
OnGrantAdministrator The callback of grant an group member as admin event.
OnGroupAttributeChanged The callback of group attribute changes event.
OnGroupCounterChanged The callback of group counters changes event.
OnGroupCreated The callback of a new group been created event.
OnGroupDismissed The callback of a joined group was disbanded event, can be triggered for all the group members.
OnGroupInfoChanged The callback of group info changes event.
OnGroupRecycled The callback of group been recycled event.
OnInvitationCancelled The callback of invitation been cancelled event.
OnInvitationTimeout The callback of the invitation timeout event.
OnInviteeAccepted The callback of the invitation been accepted event.
OnInviteeRejected The callback of the invitation been rejected event.
OnMemberEnter The callback of new member enter the group event.
OnMemberInfoChanged The callback of the info of group members modify event, trigger for all group members.
OnMemberInvited The callback of new members been invited to the group event, trigger for all group members.
OnMemberKicked The callback of members been kicked from the group event, trigger for all group members.
OnMemberLeave The callback of member leave the group voluntarily event, trigger for all group members.
OnMessageDownloadProgressCallback The callback of downloading file progress
OnNewConversation The callback of new conversation added event.
OnQuitFromGroup The callback of leaving the group voluntarily event, do not works on AVChatRoom. IT will trigger for all the login devices.
OnReceiveJoinApplication The callback of new entry group application received event, triggered only for group owner and group administrators.
OnReceiveNewInvitation The callback of new invitation received event.
OnReceiveRESTCustomData The callback of receiving the system messages, sent by the RESTful API from your server, event.
OnRecvC2CReadReceipt The callback of the target user reporting read your messages event.
OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged The callback of message extensions been modified.
OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted The callback of message extensions been deleted.
OnRecvMessageModified The callback of a specific message been modified.
OnRecvMessageReadReceipts The callback of receive messages read receipt event.
OnRecvMessageRevoked The callback of a message been recalled event.
OnRecvNewMessage The callback of receiving a new message event.
OnRevokeAdministrator The callback of revoke the group administrators event.
OnSendMessageProgress The callback of the updating of file uploading progress.
OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged The callback of the changes of the total unread message counts event.
OnUserStatusChanged The callback of the status change for those subscribed users.
V2TimUserFullInfo The callback of the updating of logged in user profile event.
VoidCallback The callback with no extra data.
onConnectFailed Callback for failure to connect to server

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