Module overview

Module name Module introduction
V2TimTopicOperationResult The result of the topic operation.
V2TimGroupApplication The group entry application.
V2TimGroupApplicationResult The list of the group entry applications, for all the groups that the user has access to process.
V2TimGroupAtInfo The list of @ message, the message mentioned someone, of the group.
V2TimGroupChangeInfo The group profile and info changes data, used for group tips.
V2TimGroupInfo The group profile information.
V2TimGroupInfoResult The group info result.
V2TimGroupMember Member info in group.
V2TimGroupMemberChangeInfo Group member changes info, in tips.
V2TimGroupMemberFullInfo The detail info of group member.
V2TimGroupMemberInfo The basic info of a group member.
V2TimGroupMemberInfoResult The result of querying the group member.
V2TimGroupMemberOperationResult The result of invitation others to the group.
V2TimGroupMessageReadMemberList The list of read and unread messages.

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