Module overview

Module name Module introduction
acceptFriendApplication Accept friend or contact application.
addFriend Add Friend.
addFriendListener Add a friend listener.
addFriendsToFriendGroup Add friends to a group.
addToBlackList Add users to blacklist, the list of users been blocked.
checkFriend Check the relationship between current user and specific users.
createFriendGroup Create a new friend group.
deleteFriendApplication Delete a friend application, without any processes.
deleteFriendGroup Delete friend groups.
deleteFriendsFromFriendGroup Delete friends from group.
deleteFromBlackList Remove users from the blacklist.
deleteFromFriendList Delete friends from contact.
getBlackList Load the list of blocked users.
getFriendApplicationList Load the list of friend applications.
getFriendGroups Load the list of friend groups with detailed information.
getFriendList Load the list of friend or contacts.
getFriendsInfo Get the profile information of the specific friends.
refuseFriendApplication Refuse the friend application.
removeFriendListener Remove friendship listener.
renameFriendGroup Change the name of a friend group.
searchFriends Search Friends
setFriendApplicationRead Set the friend application as read.
setFriendInfo Set the friend info for a specific friend.

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