The group profile and info changes data, used for group tips.
Parameter introduction
- Parameter type : number
- Parameter description : The changes type.
1: The changes of group name.
2: The changes of group description.
3: The changes of group notification.
4: The changes of group profile avatar.
5: The changes of group owner.
6: The changes of group custom filed data.
8: The changes of group all mute status.
10: The changes of group message receiving type.
11: The changes of group entry type.
- Parameter type : string
- Parameter description : The value of the changes info.
- Parameter type : string
- Parameter description : The key for the changes of the custom field, available when type is 6 above. This kind of group tips will only store in local.
- Parameter type : boolean
- Parameter description : Determine the all mute status in bool, available when type is 8 above.