acceptGroupApplication |
Accept a group entry application. |
createGroup |
Create a new group. |
createTopicInCommunity |
Create a topic in a community group. |
decreaseGroupCounter |
Decrease the group counter value. |
deleteGroupAttributes |
Delete some attributes from the group. |
deleteTopicFromCommunity |
Delete Topic |
getGroupApplicationList |
Load the group application list. |
getGroupAttributes |
Load the specific attributes for the group. |
getGroupCounters |
Get the group counters. |
getGroupMemberList |
Load the list of members from the group. |
getGroupMembersInfo |
Get the group members information for several specified users. |
getGroupOnlineMemberCount |
Get the online member count for a specific group. |
getGroupsInfo |
Get the information of the list of groups. |
getJoinedCommunityList |
Load the list of community that is joined. |
getJoinedGroupList |
Load the list of joined groups. |
getTopicInfoList |
Load the topic info list. |
increaseGroupCounter |
Increase the group counter value. |
initGroupAttributes |
Initialize the group attributes. |
inviteUserToGroup |
Invite other user to the group. |
kickGroupMember |
Remove or kick some members out of the group. |
muteGroupMember |
Mute a specific group member from sending messages. |
refuseGroupApplication |
Refuse a group entry application. |
searchGroupMembers |
Search group members by keyword. |
searchGroups |
Search for groups, with detailed group information. |
setGroupApplicationRead |
Mark all the group entry application items as read, to clear the count of application items. |
setGroupAttributes |
Set the group attributes. |
setGroupCounters |
Set the group counters. |
setGroupInfo |
Modify the group information. |
setGroupMemberInfo |
Set and modify the profile and information of a a specific group member. |
setGroupMemberRole |
Set the role of a member in the group. |
setTopicInfo |
Set the topic info and attributes. |
transferGroupOwner |
Transfer the group owner to another member. |