

Get the entry point for those friendship-related methods.

The entry point for those friendship-related methods.

Parameter details

This API has no parameters

Returned template


Return value details

name type description
V2TIMFriendshipManager V2TIMFriendshipManager The entry point for those friendship-related methods.

Code example

import { TencentImSDKPlugin, FriendType } from 'react-native-tim-js';

const userID = '';
const remark = '';
const friendGroup = '';
const addWording = '';
const addSource = '';
const addType = FriendType.V2TIM_FRIEND_TYPE_BOTH;

const addFriendRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .addFriend(userID, addType, remark, friendGroup, addWording, addSource);
if (addFriendRes.code === 0) {


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    No results matching ""