

Set group receiving message option

Set group receiving message option, you may check on GroupBaseInfo.

Any group member can call the MsgSetGroupReceiveMessageOpt API to modify the group message receiving option. Available group message receiving options are as follows:

TIMReceiveMessageOpt.kTIMRecvMsgOpt_Receive: messages will be received when the user is online, and push notifications will be received when the user is offline.

TIMReceiveMessageOpt.kTIMRecvMsgOpt_Not_Receive: no group messages will be received.

TIMReceiveMessageOpt.kTIMRecvMsgOpt_Not_Notify: messages will be received when the user is online, and no push notification will be received when the user is offline.

Parameter details

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
msgSetGroupReceiveMessageOptParams MsgSetGroupReceiveMessageOptParams yes Param of setting group receiving message option

Returned template


    code: TIMResult | TIMErrCode;
    desc?: string | undefined;
    json_param?: string | undefined;
    json_params?: string | undefined; 
    user_data?: string | undefined;

Return value details

name type description
code TIMResultTIMErrCode Request result: Error codes. 0 means success.
desc string | undefined The description of the error. It will be empty if success.
json_param string | undefined Return value of calling API
json_params string | undefined Return value of calling API. Compatible field, which is returned in some cases.
user_data string | undefined ImSDK is responsible for transporting user-defined data without any processing

Code example

import TimRender from "im_electron_sdk/dist/renderer";
const timRenderInstance = new TimRender();
import { MsgSetGroupReceiveMessageOptParams } from "im_electron_sdk/dist/interfaces";
let groupId = ''
let opt = 0
let param: MsgSetGroupReceiveMessageOptParams = {
    group_id: '',
    opt: opt,
    user_data: ''
const { code } = await timRenderInstance.TIMMsgSetGroupReceiveMessageOpt(param);
if (code == 0) {
    // success

results matching ""

    No results matching ""