Module overview

Module name Module introduction
acceptGroupApplication Accept a group entry application.
createGroup Create a new group.
createTopicInCommunity Create a topic in a community group.
deleteGroupAttributes Delete some attributes from the group.
deleteTopicFromCommunity Delete topics from community.
getGroupApplicationList Load the group application list.
getGroupAttributes Load the specific attributes for the group.
getGroupMemberList Load the list of members from the group.
getGroupMembersInfo Get the group members information for several specified users.
getGroupOnlineMemberCount Get the online member count for a specific group.
getGroupsInfo Get the information of the list of groups.
getJoinedCommunityList Load the list of community that is joined.
getJoinedGroupList Load the list of joined groups.
getTopicInfoList Load the topic info list.
initGroupAttributes Initialize the group attributes.
inviteUserToGroup Invite other user to the group.
kickGroupMember Remove or kick some members out of the group.
muteGroupMember Mute a specific group member from sending messages.
refuseGroupApplication Refuse a group entry application.
searchGroupMembers Search group members by keyword.
searchGroups Search for groups, with detailed group information.
setGroupApplicationRead Mark all the group entry application items as read, to clear the count of application items.
setGroupAttributes Set the group attributes.
setGroupInfo Modify the group information.
setGroupMemberInfo Set and modify the profile and information of a a specific group member.
setGroupMemberRole Set the role of a member in the group.
setTopicInfo Set the topic info and attributes.
transferGroupOwner Transfer the group owner to another member.

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