

The callback of the status change for those subscribed users.

onUserStatusChanged will be triggered after the user status changes, after subscribed.

This callback will also be triggered, when the status of friends change, after enable this feature on IM console, even if do not subscribe manually.

For the same user, this callback will be triggered, after the status changes manually on the other devices, for all the logged in devices.

Returned template

OnUserStatusChanged = void Function(
List<V2TimUserStatus> userStatusList

Return value details

name type description
userStatusList List< V2TimUserStatus > The list of status changed users.

Code example

    int sdkAppID = 0;
    V2TimSDKListener sdkListener = V2TimSDKListener(
      onUserStatusChanged: (List<V2TimUserStatus> userStatusList) {
      sdkAppID: sdkAppID, 
      loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_ALL, 
      listener: sdkListener, 

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