EnumUtils |
Generating the GroupMemberRoleType according to GroupMemberRoleTypeEnum. |
V2GroupMemberInfoSearchResult |
The result of the search for group members info. |
V2TimGroupApplication |
The group entry application. |
V2TimGroupApplicationResult |
The list of the group entry applications, for all the groups that the user has access to process. |
V2TimGroupAtInfo |
The list of @ message, the message mentioned someone, of the group. |
V2TimGroupChangeInfo |
The group profile and info changes data, used for group tips. |
V2TimGroupInfo |
The group profile information. |
V2TimGroupInfoResult |
The group info result. |
V2TimGroupMember |
Member info in group. |
V2TimGroupMemberChangeInfo |
Group member changes info, in tips. |
V2TimGroupMemberFullInfo |
The detail info of group member. |
V2TimGroupMemberInfo |
The basic info of a group member. |
V2TimGroupMemberInfoResult |
The result of querying the group member. |
V2TimGroupMemberOperationResult |
The result of invitation others to the group. |
V2TimGroupMemberSearchParam |
The search parameter for group members. |
V2TimGroupMessageReadMemberList |
The list of read and unread messages. |
V2TimGroupSearchParam |
The parameter for searching groups. |
V2TimGroupTipsElem |
The group tips element. |
V2TimTopicOperationResult |
The result of the topic operation. |