

Recall a sent message.

The sender can recall a successfully sent message.

By default, the sender can recall a message sent within two minutes. You can change the time limit for message recall as instructed in Feature Configuration.

Message recall can be implemented through the receiver UI code: When a message is recalled, the receiver will receive the onRecvMessageRevoked notification which contains the msgID of the recalled message. You can identify the recalled message at the UI layer based on the msgID and change the bubble for the message to the "Message recalled" status.

Only supports to recall the normal message in c2c and group chats, that the message with the onlineUserOnly is true can not be recalled.

Do not works for the message in AVChatRoom.

webMessageInstatnce field is necessary on Web.

Parameter details

Parameter name Parameter type Required Platform Description
msgID String yes All The msgID of the message to recall.
webMessageInstatnce Object no All The web message instance of the message to recall.

Returned template


    code : int
    desc : String

Return value details

name type description
code int Request result: Error codes. 0 means success.
desc String The description of the failure.

Code example

    V2TimCallback revokeMessageRes =
        await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getMessageManager().revokeMessage(
              msgID: "msgID", 
              webMessageInstatnce: "webMessageInstatnce", 
    if (revokeMessageRes.code == 0) {

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