

Get the group manager, which is the main class for those group-related methods.

The main class and entry point for those group-related methods.

Parameter details

This API has no parameters

Returned template


Return value details

name type description
V2TIMGroupManager V2TIMGroupManager The main class and entry point for those group-related methods.

Code example

    V2TimValueCallback<String> createGroupRes =
        await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getGroupManager().createGroup(
      groupType: "Publich",
      groupName: "groupName",
      notification: "",
      introduction: "",
      faceUrl: "",
      isAllMuted: false,
      isSupportTopic: false,
      addOpt: GroupAddOptTypeEnum.V2TIM_GROUP_ADD_AUTH,
      memberList: [],
    if (createGroupRes.code == 0) {
      var groupId =;

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