

The callback of new invitation received event.

Returned template

OnReceiveNewInvitationCallback = void Function(
String inviteID,
String inviter,
String groupID,
List<String> inviteeList,
String data

Return value details

name type description
inviteID String The invitation ID.
inviter String The ID of the inviter.
groupID String The group ID associated with the invitation.
inviteeList List< String > The list of invitees.
data String The custom data associated with the invitation.

Code example

    V2TimGroupListener listener = V2TimGroupListener(
      onReceiveNewInvitation: (String inviteID, String inviter, String groupID,
          List<String> inviteeList, String data) async {
    TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.addGroupListener(listener: listener);

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