Module overview

Module name Module introduction
AppStatus The status of the APP.
LanguageEnum Language on TUIKit.
TIMCallback This listener is used to get information including: errors form SDK API / errors form Flutter / some remind information that may need to pop up to prompt users.
TIMCallbackType The type of the callback.
TIMUIKitConfig The global configuration of TUIKit.
getInstance Get the main entry class of TUIKit, provides the basic functions, includes, init, login, etc.
getSDKInstance Get the instance of the non-UI SDK, using the API from it, see the documentation about the SDK.
getUsersInfo Get the info or profile of users.
init Init the SDK and TUIKit.
login Login for a user.
logout Logout
setDataFromNative Pass the login status from Native SDK to our TUIKit for Flutter. Used for developing with both Native SDK and Flutter TUIKit in an APP, and with the initialization and login process done in Native.
setOfflinePushStatus Set the offline push status.
setSelfInfo Modify the profile for current login user.
unInit Uninitialize the TUIKit.

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