

Used for indicates the order of those profile widgets.

Parameter introduction

Enumeration name Enumeration type value
userInfoCard The card shows the user info of a specific user. 0
addToBlockListBar The switch of if add another user to block list. This will not shows when friendship relation not exist as default. 1
pinConversationBar The switch of if pin the one-to-one conversation to the top of the conversation list. This will not shows when friendship relation not exist as default. 2
messageMute The switch of if mute the message notification from a specific user. This will not shows when friendship relation not exist as default. 3
searchBar The entrance to search page, please set the onTap callback yourself, to the search page with conversation ID. You can develop it with TIMUIKitProfileWidget.searchBar. 4
portraitBar The bar shows the portrait. 5
nicknameBar The bar shows the nickname of a specific user. 6
userAccountBar The bar shows the user account of a specific user. 7
signatureBar The bar shows the signature of a specific user. 8
genderBar The bar shows the gender of a specific user. 1 represent male, 2 represent female. 9
birthdayBar The bar shows the birthday of a specific user. Int like "19981112", means November 12, 1998. 10
addAndDeleteArea The area shows the buttons, contains "Send message", "Voice/Video Call", "Delete friend" when has the friend relationship, while contains "Add friend" when no relationship exists, as default. 11
operationDivider The divider between sets of profile widget. 12
remarkBar The setting of remark for a specific user. This will not shows when friendship relation not exist as default. 13
customBuilderOne Custom area, you may define send message, make calling, search or anything you want here. 14
customBuilderTwo Custom area, you may define send message, make calling, search or anything you want here. 15
customBuilderThree Custom area, you may define send message, make calling, search or anything you want here. 16
customBuilderFour Custom area, you may define send message, make calling, search or anything you want here. 17
customBuilderFive Custom area, you may define send message, make calling, search or anything you want here. 18

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