Module overview

Module name Module introduction
AllowType The verification type of been added as a contact or friend.
ConversationType The conversation type.
FriendApplicationTypeEnum The type of adding a friend.
FriendResponseTypeEnum The relationship for adding.
FriendTypeEnum The friend type.
GetGroupMessageReadMemberListFilter The type of the read receipt list.
GroupAddOptTypeEnum The adding verification type of a group.
GroupApplicationHandleResult The result of the processing of a group entry application.
GroupApplicationHandleStatus The status of the processing of a group entry application.
GroupApplicationTypeEnum The group entry application type.
GroupChangeInfoType The type indicates the changes of group profile info.
GroupMemberFilterTypeEnum The filtering type for group members.
GroupMemberRoleType The group member role type.
GroupMemberRoleTypeEnum The group member role type.
GroupTipsElemType The group tips element type.
GroupType The group type.
HistoryMsgGetTypeEnum The type of loading history messages.
ListenerType The type of the listener.
LogLevelEnum The level of the log.
MessageElemType Message element types.
MessagePriorityEnum The priority of the message.
MessageStatus The status of the message.
ReceiveMsgOptEnum The message receiving type.
SimpleMsgListenerType Simple messages listener.
UserStatusType User online status.
V2SignalingActionType The signalling action type.
V2TIMKeywordListMatchType The match type of searching with keywords list.
V2TIM_IMAGE_TYPE The image type.
V2TimConversationMarkType The conversation marker type.

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