ErrorCallback |
The callback of the request failure. |
OnApplicationProcessedCallback |
The group entry application has been approved by the group administrators or owner, only the applicant can received. |
OnBlackListAddCallback |
The callback of add new users to block list event. |
OnBlackListDeletedCallback |
The callback after removing users from block list event. |
OnConversationChangedCallback |
The callback of changes to some conversations event. |
OnConversationGroupCreated |
The callback of conversation group create finished. |
OnConversationGroupDeleted |
The callback of conversation group deleted. |
OnConversationGroupNameChanged |
The callback on the conversation group name changed event. |
OnConversationsAddedToGroup |
The callback of new conversations added to the a conversation group event. |
OnConversationsDeletedFromGroup |
The callback of some conversations been removed from the group event. |
OnFriendApplicationListAddedCallback |
The callback of the amount increased of the friend application list event. |
OnFriendApplicationListDeletedCallback |
The callback of the amount decreased of the friend application list event. |
OnFriendApplicationListReadCallback |
The callback of the friend application list been read by current user event. |
OnFriendInfoChangedCallback |
The callback of the friend profile and information changes event. |
OnFriendListAddedCallback |
The callback of new user been added to contact list event. |
OnFriendListDeletedCallback |
The callback of user been removed from the contact list event. |
OnGrantAdministratorCallback |
The callback of grant an group member as admin event. |
OnGroupAttributeChangedCallback |
The callback of group attribute changes event. |
OnGroupCreatedCallback |
The callback of a new group been created event. |
OnGroupDismissedCallback |
The callback of a joined group was disbanded event, can be triggered for all the group members. |
OnGroupInfoChangedCallback |
The callback of group info changes event. |
OnGroupRecycledCallback |
The callback of group been recycled event. |
OnInvitationCancelledCallback |
The callback of invitation been cancelled event. |
OnInvitationTimeoutCallback |
The callback of the invitation timeout event. |
OnInviteeAcceptedCallback |
The callback of the invitation been accepted event. |
OnInviteeRejectedCallback |
The callback of the invitation been rejected event. |
OnMemberEnterCallback |
The callback of new member enter the group event. |
OnMemberInfoChangedCallback |
The callback of the info of group members modify event, trigger for all group members. |
OnMemberInvitedCallback |
The callback of new members been invited to the group event, trigger for all group members. |
OnMemberKickedCallback |
The callback of members been kicked from the group event, trigger for all group members. |
OnMemberLeaveCallback |
The callback of member leave the group voluntarily event, trigger for all group members. |
OnMessageDownloadProgressCallback |
The callback of downloading file progress |
OnNewConversation |
The callback of new conversation added event. |
OnQuitFromGroupCallback |
The callback of leaving the group voluntarily event, do not works on AVChatRoom. IT will trigger for all the login devices. |
OnReceiveJoinApplicationCallback |
The callback of new entry group application received event, triggered only for group owner and group administrators. |
OnReceiveNewInvitationCallback |
The callback of new invitation received event. |
OnReceiveRESTCustomDataCallback |
The callback of receiving the system messages, sent by the RESTful API from your server, event. |
OnRecvC2CReadReceiptCallback |
The callback of the target user reporting read your messages event. |
OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged |
The callback of message extensions been modified. |
OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted |
The callback of message extensions been deleted. |
OnRecvMessageModified |
The callback of a specific message been modified. |
OnRecvMessageReadReceipts |
The callback of receive messages read receipt event. |
OnRecvMessageRevokedCallback |
The callback of a message been recalled event. |
OnRecvNewMessageCallback |
The callback of receiving a new message event. |
OnRevokeAdministratorCallback |
The callback of revoke the group administrators event. |
OnSendMessageProgressCallback |
The callback of the updating of file uploading progress. |
OnTopicCreated |
The callback of a topic created event. |
OnTopicDeleted |
The callback of the delete topic event. |
OnTopicInfoChanged |
The callback of the updating of topic info event. |
OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged |
The callback of the changes of the total unread message counts event. |
OnUserStatusChanged |
The callback of the status change for those subscribed users. |
V2TimUserFullInfoCallback |
The callback of the updating of logged in user profile event. |
VoidCallback |
The callback with no extra data. |