

Search group info

It searches and returns all the groups matched the keywords in group_search_params_keyword_list. Maximum 5 keys.

Only locally stored groups can be searched for, such as the list of joined groups and group profiles that have been pulled.

You can set the search keyword group_search_params_keyword_list and specify the search scope to set whether to search by the userID and groupName fields of a group.

Parameter details


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
json_group_search_groups_param GroupSearchParam Required GroupSearchParam
callback ValueCallback< List< GroupDetailInfo > > Required Asynchronous callback The format of json_param in the return value is json


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
json_group_search_groups_param GroupSearchParam Required GroupSearchParam
callback ValueCallback< string > Required Asynchronous callback The format of json_param in the return value is string

Returned template


The parameters of the callback function after successfully calling the API:
  "group_detial_info_add_option": 1,
  "group_detial_info_create_time": 0,
  "group_detial_info_custom_info": [{
      "group_info_custom_string_info_key": "custom_public",
      "group_info_custom_string_info_value": ""
  }, {
      "group_info_custom_string_info_key": "custom_public2",
      "group_info_custom_string_info_value": ""
  }, {
      "group_info_custom_string_info_key": "group_info",
      "group_info_custom_string_info_value": ""
  }, {
      "group_info_custom_string_info_key": "group_test",
      "group_info_custom_string_info_value": ""
  "group_detial_info_face_url": "",
  "group_detial_info_group_id": "lamarzhang_group_public",
  "group_detial_info_group_name": "lamarzhang_group_public",
  "group_detial_info_group_type": 0,
  "group_detial_info_info_seq": 9,
  "group_detial_info_introduction": "Instroduction",
  "group_detial_info_is_shutup_all": false,
  "group_detial_info_last_info_time": 1620810613,
  "group_detial_info_last_msg_time": 1620810613,
  "group_detial_info_max_member_num": 1000,
  "group_detial_info_member_num": 2,
  "group_detial_info_next_msg_seq": 2,
  "group_detial_info_notification": "Notification",
  "group_detial_info_online_member_num": 0,
  "group_detial_info_owener_identifier": "lamarzhang",
  "group_detial_info_searchable": true,
  "group_detial_info_visible": true
]' // For the meaning of Json Key, please refer to [GroupDetailInfo]

Return value details

name type description
TIMResult TIMResult Return value of calling API
code int Result error code: Error Codes
desc string The description of the error.
json_param string Json string. Calling different API will get different Json strings. For the meaning of Json Key, please refer to GroupDetailInfo
user_data string User-defined data transfered by ImSDK without any processing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""