

Set network status changed callback

When called Init, ImSDK will connect the server and listen to network staus.

Network status contains four stages: Connecting, Failed, Connect Success, Connected. The network status is only responsible for the indication of the connection between ImSDK and the IM server.

This is optional callback, if you concern about network status changing, use this callback to inform the conncetion is connected or broke. Besides, you can set callback to retrieve mesasges once reconnected.

Once logged in, ImSDK will attemp reconnect automatically

Parameter details

Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
callback NetworkStatusListenerCallback yes NetworkStatusListenerCallback

Returned template


The parameters of the callback function after successfully calling the API:
json_param:'' // json_ Params is an empty string ""

Return value details

name type description
TIMResult TIMResult Return value of calling API
code int Result error code: Error Codes
desc string The description of the error.
json_param string Json string. Calling different API will get different Json strings.
user_data string User-defined data transfered by ImSDK without any processing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""