

Set group attributes

Only works with AVChatRoom temporarily.

If the specified attribute does not exist, it will be appended to the group automatically.

Maximum 16 key for a single group, maximum length of key is 32 Byte.

Maximum length of value is 4kB.

Maximum json_group_atrributes (key and value) size is 16kB.

GroupInitGroupAttributes, GroupSetGroupAttributes, GroupDeleteGroupAttributes together share the limits of calling frequency 5 times per 10 seconds. Once exceeded, it returns 8511 error code and the limits loose to 5 times per second. Once exceeded again, it returns 10049 error code.

Parameter details


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
group_id string Required Group ID
json_group_atrributes List< GroupAttributes > Required Group attributes
callback NullValueCallback Required Asynchronous callback


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
group_id string Required Group ID
json_group_atrributes List< GroupAttributes > Required Group attributes
callback ValueCallback< string > Required Asynchronous callback The format of json_param in the return value is string

Returned template


The parameters of the callback function after successfully calling the API:
json_param:'' // json_ Params is an empty string ""

Return value details

name type description
TIMResult TIMResult Return value of calling API
code int Result error code: Error Codes
desc string The description of the error.
json_param string Json string. Calling different API will get different Json strings.
user_data string User-defined data transfered by ImSDK without any processing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""