


Call Logout when logout account or change account.

When changing the account, wait for Logout callback return to call Login, otherwise Login may fail.

Normally, if your APP's lifecycle complies with IM SDK's, no need to Logout before leave the APP.

But for special cases, like you only Init IM SDK on certain scene, you should Logout before leave the scene and you won't receive any messages. And you may call Uninit to uninit the SDK as well.

Call Login when you need to change account in your APP.

Parameter details


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
callback NullValueCallback Required Asynchronous callback


Parameter name Parameter type Required Description
callback ValueCallback< string > Required Asynchronous callback The format of json_param in the return value is string

Returned template


The parameters of the callback function after successfully calling the API:
json_param:'' // json_ Params is an empty string ""

Return value details

name type description
TIMResult TIMResult Return value of calling API
code int Result error code: Error Codes
desc string The description of the error.
json_param string Json string. Calling different API will get different Json strings.
user_data string User-defined data transfered by ImSDK without any processing

Code example

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using com.tencent.im.unity.demo.types;
using com.tencent.imsdk.unity;
using com.tencent.imsdk.unity.types;
using com.tencent.imsdk.unity.enums;
using EasyUI.Toast;
using com.tencent.im.unity.demo.utils;

public class Logout : MonoBehaviour
  public Text Header;
  public Text Result;
  public Button Submit;
  public Button Copy;

  void Start()
    Result = GameObject.Find("ResultText").GetComponent<Text>();
    Header = GameObject.Find("HeaderText").GetComponent<Text>();
    Submit = GameObject.Find("Submit").GetComponent<Button>();
    if (CurrentSceneInfo.info != null)
      Header.text = Utils.IsCn() ? CurrentSceneInfo.info.apiText + " " + CurrentSceneInfo.info.apiName : CurrentSceneInfo.info.apiName;
      Submit.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = CurrentSceneInfo.info.apiName;
    Copy = GameObject.Find("Copy").GetComponent<Button>();
    Copy.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = Utils.t("Copy");

  public void LogoutSDK()
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.Logout(Utils.addAsyncNullDataToScreen(GetResult));
    Result.text = Utils.SynchronizeResult(res);

  void GetResult(params object[] parameters)
    Result.text += (string)parameters[0];

  void CopyText()
  void OnApplicationQuit()

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